What is the biggest “key” factor there is when it comes to approaching and attracting beautiful women? Is it looks? Nope. Is it income? No. Is it age? Not even close. The biggest factor there is without a doubt is communication.

It gets a lot crazier then that, however. Communication of course is how we talk to other people, right? But what would you say if I told you that 90% of our day-to-day communication is done in a way where you don’t have to speak at all? That’s right. The majority of what we communicate doesn’t even come from our mouths!

This 90% of communication is called body language. Even when we aren’t talking, we are always sending off these ‘signals’ that other people, women especially, pick up subconsciously. For example, as I am writing this in a coffee shop the waitress can tell I am head-first in my laptop working on something, because of that she knows to keep me refilled and to not disturb me much.

If you see someone walking with their hands in their pockets and their head down, will you be more likely to approach this person? Or would you be more likely to approach a person with their head up and shoulders thrown back? This is my point exactly.

The greatest thing about modifying your body language is that the results are almost instant. From the moment you start using them you start feeling better about yourself and people will be more likely to approach you.

The other great thing about body language is the changes are small and subtle, but they can be tricky to use all the time but through effort and practice you WILL become a natural.

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